WindowBuilder graphical Java GUI design tool for Eclipse

I’ve installed WindowBuilder, an Eclipse IDE plugin for Java GUI development, in order to try to help me make some modifications to the GUI design of OpticalRayTracer. There were a couple confusing things about getting it going so I’m capturing some details of the process here. There is a section for WindowBuilder on the Eclipse user forums. The original proposal for WindowBuilder is also available to read.

First, I am running Eclipse 3.8.1 (Juno) on Ubuntu 16.05 (Xenial Xerus). I installed Eclipse via apt:

$ sudo apt install eclipse

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Next, I installed WindowBuilder via the built in Eclipse software install utility, following the instructions at this page.

eclipse-install-software-crop-2016-06-12 14-26-18

The following URL is pasted into the Work with: text entry box:

Screenshot from 2016-06-12 17-59-12

I initially tried to install the SWT Designer as well, but I got a dependency error and it was the cause, so I then omitted it.

Once WindowBuilder is installed, it is invoked by right clicking on a given file and selecting Open With > WindowBuilder Editor.

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This opens an editor window which is very similar to the usual one, but there is a Design tab at the bottom which will provide the desired graphical editor view.

Screenshot from 2016-06-12 18-31-33.jpg

And that is all for now.