Riglol hack: unlock extra features on Rigol oscilloscopes (like DS1054Z)

Rigol DS1054z Oscilloscope

There’s a lot of scattered information out there on the “riglol” hack for the Rigol DS1054Z and other 1000Z, 2000, and 4000-series oscilloscopes. The main takeaways I’ve gleaned are:

  1. There are at least two sites hosting the riglol key generator:
  2. Here is a good < 5 minute video demonstrating the hack. It also shows how to telnet into the scope and reset the feature set to factory default using the uninstall command :SYStem:OPTion:UNINSTall. It is also possible to install options using the :SYStem:OPTion:INSTall command.
  3. Use the DSER code, not DSFR. The latter unlocks all options including a reportedly buggy 500 uV/div vertical scale resolution. The former, DSER, does the same except the buggy 500 uV/div. If you muck it up and install the DSFR code, you can restore factory settings using the above :SYStem:OPTion:UNINSTall command via telnet and then redo the hack using the DSER code.
  4. The hack is confirmed to work with DS1054Z scopes through at least March 2018 which use software version 00.04.04 SP3 software and board version 0.1.1.
  5. It is said that the bug enabling the hack is in the encryption implementation built into the scope firmware, so there is no way for the manufacturer to fix the bug without forcing all users everywhere to manually re-enter a new product code. This makes it very unlikely the bug will ever be retroactively fixed for extant scopes.

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